
Slaughterville Director's Cut: Faster and Deadlier!

Created by Christopher Brown

Slaughterville Director's Cut is an updated edition to the original Slaughterville with improved Villains, Locations, and Characters!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last week!!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 04:19:44 PM

So we have done it! We have funded and we are in the final week. We know that the last few days will bring more pledges and I can't wait to see the influx of fun! Speaking of, here are the final promos unlocked :)

1: Your Tombstone! When you come across your tombstone, conveniently left by the Villain and their minions, it rattles the entire group! This is used to make a more dangerous Villain if you're looking for an extra threat. Remember though, once any Character dies, Your Tombstone is detached.

2: The Private Eye: A classic gumshoe comes to Slaughterville!

Wait a minute!!! Aren't there only supposed to be 2 Promos? So why am I still typing? Is this an Overlook Hotel type of thing? All Work and No Play Makes Slaughterville AWESOME! Well, that is true, BUT I wanted to give you another promo. Let me know what you think.

3: The Ghost Hunter. This guy has heard the stories and now wants to capture them all on film for all to see! I have a few friends who do the ghost hunting thing and I asked them to take a picture on scene for me, so this image might change :)

So, I look forward to talking with the rest of you while we wind this puppy down and bring this new era of Slaughterville into existence! I am already working on plans for future content and more games to come! Wait until you see Killjoy ;)


Next Promos!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 10:36:54 AM

Hello my beautiful and brave Citizens! I am so glad that each and every one of you decided to take the trip to Slaughterville :)

So, earlier in the week I updated the promos image and now I wanted to show you the cards you will be getting!!

The first one is the Town Square. We already have the Tourist Guide and other aspects of the town, but now you can have the Town Square!! Strangely, the statue in the town square keeps moving! For this reason, you shuffle it into a random location and then once found, it obeys your command and offers help :)

Next is, well...

Let me know what you think and I look forward to hearing from you :) 

Week 1 Promos!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 05:14:18 PM

First, I want to say congrats on a successful week 1 and we can't wait to keep it going until the end! Now, for what you came for :) Here are this week's unlocked promos!

1: DUCT TAPE! This card allows you to join 2 items together and treat them as 1 item! 

2: AN ILL OMEN is one of our preview cards for an upcoming Villain. I am sure that you can guess which one, but if you can' must be eating you up inside. Will we unlock this Villain for the Director's Cut? I sure hope so :)

So there you have them! Your 2 promos for this week. Let me know what you think and, until next time, have fun!


New Video!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 02:36:25 PM

The Beast Within

Hello! I wanted to let you know that we finished the video for The Beast Within :) 

I will have The Body Snatchers done today and I will get that one to you. 

As for the campaign, I am still grateful that we funded and I can't wait to get you those goals. The first thing that I wanted to show you is the sample images of the coin they sent. Now, these images on the coin are not the ones we will use, but it shows the quality of it.

We are really looking forward to making this one. I always liked the antique brass look and I can't wait to see how the Slaughterville logo looks in it. In the meantime, we need to keep sharing and talking about the game. I have a couple more reviews coming in and I have placed more ads to help let people know how they can save these poor citizens plagued by evil! 

If you have a local game store that is interested in a retailer type pledge, let me know and I will give it consideration. Also, if there are any game stores in Eastern/Central PA that would like to hold a demo session, I can come in for those. So until next time, have fun!

over 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:38:10 AM

We are awesome! We did it and we are now on our way to unlocking more awesome content! Sorry it took me a bit to get this out, but I was up until we hours doing videos :)

I will get you information on our new Villain and the edited videos later today! Take the time, enjoy the win, and have fun!
